The VetVillage site for Interior Alaska will be located in the North Pole area.
Jerry and Susan Hanson have generously dedicated a 54-acre parcel (at the tax-assessed value) for foundation use. It is ten minutes from downtown North Pole and strategically located between Eielson AFB and Fort Wainwright. This former homestead and hay/potato farm includes a 16-acre pond and 10-acres of cleared agricultural land. The property has existing power, two wells, a heavy-duty gravel road and an improved gravel driveway.
Interior Alaska has a per capita incidence of Veteran homelessness similar to Anchorage. Annual Point in Time counts in the Fairbanks North Star Borough routinely identify ~35 unsheltered veterans. A surprisingly high number given the average low temperature for February is -8F. If you consider the unknown number of homeless that ‘couch surf’ during the periods of extreme cold, the high cost of housing in the region, the emerging meth-amphetamine epidemic and Alaska’s declining economy, the true number of homeless Veterans and veteran families may be significantly higher.
Existing homeless programs in the Interior are inadequate to meet demand. The Fairbanks Rescue Mission has the only program specifically designed to serve homeless Veterans. The Mission has twelve beds dedicated for veterans and operates daily at maximum capacity. It does not have the capability to expand. The Rescue Mission has agreed to partner with the Alaska Veterans Foundation to establish a VetVillage in the Fairbanks area to help meet the immediate shelter and transitional housing Veterans require.
The Foundation is also working with the Alaska Court System and a local group to establish the Fairbanks Veterans Court (see our Vet Court tab). In addition to getting our Interior Veterans the help they need to become long-term, contributing members of our community, diverting 25 Veterans from incarceration is anticipated to save the State of Alaska at least $2.5M per year. VetVillage will help provide the transitional housing needed to support the court.
Similar to VetVillage Anchorage, the Interior Village will consist of a main building and 25 single and double bedroom cabins. The main building will serve as the Village headquarters and have a mess hall, kitchen, day room, meeting room, administrative/counseling offices, and six ADA compliant guest rooms on the ground floor. All facilities will be constructed to arctic standards to ensure maximum safety criteria and heat, septic, water and air quality efficiency over the long term. As the AVF goal is to end veteran homelessness in Alaska, all facilities will be designed to competitively transition to affordable rental housing for senior, disabled and disadvantaged veterans and their families.
Total Estimated Completion Cost is $3.2M.
Main Building: $1.561M
25 Cabins: $1.625M
The foundation is currently working with and has the support of the following Interior Alaska POCs and Organizations. Additional support is being developed. All are expected to provide influence, in-kind contributions, direct funding or discount support of at least 20%.
North Pole Mayor, Honorable Michael Welch
Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor, Honorable Brice Ward
Fairbanks Mayor, Honorable Jim Matherly
Fairbanks Rescue Mission
The Joshua Project (formerly Habitat for Humanity)
Cold Climate Housing Research Center
Design Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks - Cooperative Extension Service
Alaska Peony Growers Association
Knights of Columbus
Morris Thompson Cultural Center
Fairbanks Housing and Homeless Coalition
Arctic Resource Center for Suicide Prevention
Good Titrations
Century 21
Fairbanks Shakespeare Theater
University of Alaska Fairbanks – FRAME (Video and TV Production)
Alaska Native Veterans Association
Disabled American Veterans
American Legion
Veterans of Foreign Wars